
The leading company for pavement
maintenance services in Colorado!
Sweeping is the most effective service available to provide a clean appearance to your property.
Our customers have parking lots that collect different types of debris. We take our time and do a lot of testing to ensure that the equipment we invest in is both efficient and versatile.
During the bidding process an estimator will inspect your property and decide the best type of equipment needed to get the job done right!
VacTrucks: These trucks are great for general sweeping on lots that are mid to large size. We currently use Tymco 435 Regenerative air sweepers that can hold up to four yards of debris and are equipped with an internal water system that helps to keep the dust down. When all the adjustments are correct, there is not much these machines cannot pick up!

Small Broom: This type of equipment is good for small, cut-up lots and garages with low ceilings. We currently use Tennant Armadillos that have internal dust filters.

Backpack Blowers: It is necessary to blow out debris to where a sweeper can pick it up. Backpack blowers are the most efficient way to get sidewalks, corners, dumpster areas and behind parking blocks clean. Unfortunately, this is the only sweeping equipment that does not have a dust control system.

We absolutely, under no circumstances, engage in illegal dumping. All debris is taken back to our shop, loaded into a roll-off dumpster, and taken directly to the dump
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